29 Aug 2014

Top 30 What is that feels/looks better when it ends?

What is that feels/looks better when it ends?
Seriously, we feel much better when something ends... Here are some of them.

What is that feels/looks better when it ends?

1. Exams

2. Assignments

3. Sickness of any kind

4. A bad relationship

5. An interview

6. A spat with a good friend

7. Misunderstandings

8. Jealousy

9. Boring lectures

10. A day long fast

11. Accomplishment of a goal/task/aim.

12. An awkward conversation.

13. Boring song

14. Some stupid's interview on television

15. Outburst of frustration in a non harming/hurting way

16. Boredom

17. Long wait to see someone

18. A successful pregnancy

19. A game ending with a positive outcome

20. A terrible movie

21. A bad day

22. Someone's pain

23. Viva

24. Friday

25. Boring meetings.

26. An embarrassing scene when parents are around and the TV remote refuses to work  :p

27. A virus in a laptop

28. A bug in a code

29. Not a properly functioning consumer durable(like fridge, TV or AC- so that finally you can buy a new one.)

30. A tiring and worrying semester
    Thank you for reading my post!! :)
    Please do comment if there is anything to add/ change... your suggestions and feedback will be valued and highly appreciated!!


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